Friday, September 18, 2009

Spelling Words Septmeber 18 - September 25

Our weekly spelling words are rhyming and high frequency words. Remember that our spelling test will be taken, and homework is due, next Friday Sept. 25th.

1. get
2. what
3. we
4. will
5. are
6. cat
7. hat
8. bug
9. hug
10. rug

For the math homework this week, we are finding different combinations of oranges, cherries, and grapes. There can only be a total of 9. An example of one combination would be: 3 oranges, 3 cherries and 3 grapes (3+3+3=9). Encourage your child to draw pictures or use hands on manipulative's from home to help them figure it out.
Have a great week! :)

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