Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11 - September 18

This weeks spelling words are high frequency and number words. The homework will go home today and is due next Friday, the 18th.

1. do
2. not
3. that
4. to
5. you
6. one
7. two
8. three
9. four
10. five

When you are doing the math investigations portion of the weekly homework, encourage your child to draw pictures or use a "hands on" manipulative to help figure out the answers. For example, this week students are figuring out different combinations of 13 (oranges and cherries), to support their learning you can have them use m&m's or cereal pieces, or coins to figure out different combinations of 13. (such as 10 and 3 or 9 + 4)
Thanks for your support from home! :)

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