Wednesday, August 17, 2011

School Supply List

Here are a list of supplies needed for your first grade student in our class this school year:

1. small pencil box
2. laminated pocket folders (2)
3. pack of pencils
4. crayons (24 count)
5. glue sticks (4)
6. school bag/backpack (PLEASE NO WHEELS)
7. facial tissues (supply throughout the year)
8. hand sanitizer (supply throughout the year)
9. liquid hand soap
10. lysol wipes (supply through out the year)
11. paper towels
12. 2 reams of copy paper
13. zip-lock bags (gallon and quart size)

P.S. We can ALWAYS use extra:
Hand Sanitizer, Copy Paper, Lysol Wipes, & Tissues...
we go through those very fast! :)

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