Friday, February 11, 2011

Crazy Hair Day Today!

This is our 'messy hair' group today...

This is our 'big & poofy hair' group today...

This is our crazy 'ponytail & braid' group...

This is our 'mohawk' group...

This is our crazy 'hair color' group...

What a crazy but fun spirit day today!

The weekly homework goes home today and is due back next week as usual. This weeks skills words are high frequency and sneaky e words. The sneaky e is making the letter 'u' say it's name this week. When you add sneaky e to the end of the word 'cut'... the sneaky e makes the u say it's name, and makes the words 'cute'.

1. four
2. funny
3. long
4. watch
5. were
6. tune
7. rule
8. cute
9. mule
10. flute

Have a great weekend! :)

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