Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sights and Sounds Tonight, May 5th

Tonight is our schools annual Sights and Sounds of Beauclerc night. The school will be open at 6:30 for families to walk through and admire all the student art work that is hanging from the walls and displayed in the multi-purpose room. Each one of our first grade students has a piece of art hanging in the first grade and kindergarten building.
At 7:00 a special concert will begin outside in the amphitheater. Come hear members of our Jaguar Chorus, our Jaguar Jam Orff Ensemble, and our kindergartners from the Dual Language Spanish/English Program.

Thanks everyone for our beautiful baskets filled with fruit and chocolate! That was so thoughtful, we love them! You have all made us feel very appreciated this week! :)

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