Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Spelling Words January 5-9

Welcome Back! We hope everyone had a nice holiday break. We are excited to be back to school and back to learning! Our spelling words this week are all high frequency words.
1. came
2. know
3. out
4. she
5. there
6. and
7. fast
8. best
9. just
10. next

Over the next few weeks, we will be focusing hard on vowel blends such as oa, ou, ow, oo, ee, and ea. This month, we will also be talking a lot about "sneaky e" which makes the vowel say "it's name" (such as the word "cake"... the sneaky e at the end of that word makes the vowel say it's name...long a). Please talk to your children about these long vowel sounds and point them out in your daily reading together.
Thanks for your continued support from home! We love all of our students, and we are so glad to have each of them in our class this year! Let's continue to work together to make this year as successful as possible for them!

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