Thursday, September 15, 2011

Find the Missing Numbers

Takara is covering up some numbers on her 100 board while the rest of her group has their eyes closed...

No peeking in this group while Destiny was covering up some numbers...

Demaria guessed that 52 was the missing number... she said she knew it was the one covered up because "it comes before 53, and it comes after 51". Great job Demaria!

Malachi was asking Luke if 56 was the missing number... he said, "It's right by the 55, and when I'm counting, then comes 56." Great work Malachi!

Jiwon guessed that the missing number was 87, she said, " I look at the row, that all starts with 8, and I look at the up & down column, and they all end with 7, so I know that it's 87". Great strategy Jiwon!

Elona guessed the right missing number by looking at the number in front of it and behind it... good job Elona!

Recently in math investigations we have been working with the 100 chart in our room. We have been practicing counting by 5's & 10's and looking for number patterns.

Our essential question all week has been:
"What numbers come before, after, and in between any given numbers?"

Today, we played a game called Missing Numbers.
One student covered up some numbers on the yellow 100 board, while their partners closed their eyes. Then the partners had to guess the missing number and explain why they guessed that. We have come up with some great math strategies for finding missing numbers today!

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